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Body Sculpting in Jacksonville, Florida

Tighten, Tone, Transform

Jacksonville Body Sculpting

When diet and exercise alone fail to flatten stubborn areas of fat, body sculpting treatments can help you reach your goals. Even the fittest folks can have areas of excess fat along the waistline, thighs, arms, and back. We offer customized plans with the most advanced and proven nonsurgical treatment options to remodel skin, tone muscle, and reduce unwanted fat, leaving you with a more sculpted look. These nonsurgical methods of body sculpting are called lipolysis. There are several types of lipolysis options. Learn more about the options we offer below.

Tighter, More Toned Body

What is Body Sculpting?

Body sculpting is a procedure or set of procedures to reduce the appearance and existence of fat cells, giving you a smoother, more defined overall body shape. If you’re looking for a tighter, more toned body, then Evolve X and Kybella are the solutions you’ve been looking for. We are excited to offer these innovative and effective products at Modern Aesthetic Centers.

EvolveX is a hands-free, non-invasive total body transforming treatment to remodel skin, treat fat, and tone muscles with bipolar RF energy and EMS. Its innovative design has multiple technologies—Tite, Tone, and Transform-–for customized body reshaping. A double chin has been a popular area for reducing fat for years. In many cases, the appearance of submental fat, or a double chin, can cause you to have an overweight appearance even if you’re not overweight. There is a solution. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps break down fat for digestion.

In injectable form, deoxycholic acid can break down fat cells on contact for isolated reduction of a fat pocket. Kybella is an FDA-approved form of injectable deoxycholic acid and can be used to effectively reduce a double chin. Kybella can also be used to treat areas of submental fat in the abdomen, bra rolls, above the knee, and on the inner thighs. Unlike other treatments, injection lipolysis with Kybella doesn’t make the fat cells smaller; it removes them completely, providing a permanent solution to a double chin.

Fast Recovery

What are the benefits of Body Sculpting?

Many people are put off by the idea of surgical interventions to achieve a slimmer, more shapely body. Some don’t have the time it takes to recover from liposuction surgery. Others are afraid of going under anesthesia and the risks associated with that. Whatever your reason for not wanting to have surgery, our Jacksonville body sculpting at Modern Aesthetic Centers is a non-invasive, fast way to achieve beautiful results with very little to no recovery time.

Body Sculpting Jacksonville, FL  St Johns

Innovative Procedures

Your Jacksonville Body Sculpting Consultation

At Modern Aesthetic Centers, we are excited to offer Body Sculpting Jacksonville patients will love. When you arrive for your consultation at our center, we will discuss these innovative procedures and create a treatment plan that fits your unique aesthetic needs. These minimally and non-invasive procedures mean there is very little downtime, enabling you to go about your daily routine after your treatments.

More Definition

Your Body Sculpting Procedure

Evolve X works in three ways, tightening, toning, and transforming the treatment area. The non-invasive, hands-free applicators deliver energy to the affected areas to either tighten or tone and transform your body into a new, more svelte you. Kybella, on the other hand, consists of a series of minimally invasive injections that destroy submental fat cells in the neck and create a more defined chin and neckline.

Body Sculpting Jacksonville, FL  St Johns

Marked Improvement

Body Sculpting Results

At Modern Aesthetic Centers, it’s not about changing who you are but accentuating your natural beauty. Our non-invasive and minimally invasive body sculpting procedures will leave you looking more beautiful and confident than ever. Results from Kybella and Evolve X do not appear overnight, but with a series of treatments, you will begin to notice a marked improvement in the shape and tone of your body or submental area.

Fast Recovery Time

Body Sculpting Recovery and Aftercare

Recovery time for your body sculpting procedure is fast. There may be some redness and possible bruising at the injection sites where Kybella is injected into your neck, but this will mitigate very quickly. There may be some redness from your Evolve X treatments, but this, too, will go away very quickly. It is important not to tan or use a sauna after body sculpting treatment and to avoid heavy exercise for the first day or so. These comfortable, pain-free procedures will leave you looking and feeling better than you have in years.

Body Sculpting Frequently Asked Questions

The recovery time for these procedures is very quick. You can go about your daily business after you have completed each treatment.

The cost of Body Sculpting varies based on procedure and the patient's needs. At Modern Aesthetic Centers, we will work with you to create a treatment plan that fits both your aesthetic needs and your budget.

Make an Appointment at our Jacksonville Med Spa Today

Modern Aesthetic Centers is here to accompany you on your journey toward optimal wellness and your most authentically beautiful appearance using advanced treatments and holistic therapies. Schedule your consultation to meet with one of our knowledgeable and experienced specialists to discuss your personalized Jacksonville med spa treatment in either St. Johns, Gate Parkway, or Fleming Island.

2050 St Johns Pkwy, Ste 106, St Johns, FL 32259

11512 Lake Mead Ave, Unit 702, Jacksonville, FL 32256

4575 U.S 17, Suite 340, South Fleming Island, FL 32003

Modern Aesthetic Centers Locations

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